House System

   House System is service-cum training in organization. Various Houses are Ahimsa, Dharmam, Jnanam, Sathyam, Sevanam, Shanthi, Thyagam and Vinayam.

    Its aims are: 

  •  To promote the welfare of the students.
  •  To promote better student-teacher relationship.
  •  To impart citizenship training.
  •  To encourage self-discipline.
  •  To teach skill management and leadership

  Each house is headed by a House Captain. Co-curricular activities are organised with the guidance of house teachers.   A healthy and keen spirit of competition is nurtured.

  The house captains perform the following duties in rotation:

  • Management of the morning assembly.
  • Maintenance of order during recess and dispersal.
  • Looking after general cleanliness.
  • Checking of school uniforms.
  • Arranging house wise competitions in sports, arts and cultural activities.
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